Art & Painting
Devised and Directed by our Artistic Director, our art classes reflect our expanded dedication to holistically provide our students new avenues of thinking. Our curriculum supports the creation of bold, contemporary, and modern methods of teaching aimed at cultivating our students into skilled professionals. The classes are instructional yet enjoyable and help the student gain confidence and self-esteem through pride in his or her accomplishments. All instructors are highly trained artists and teachers who are experienced in a variety of media.
Beginner Classes
Students will be introduced to basic design principles, concepts and formats and begin applying theory to their work. Students will build the foundations necessary for the knowledge and skills needed to work from a concept to a finished product
Beginner Art classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Intermediate Classes
The intermediate classes allows our students to readily apply the techniques and concepts they have learned to create finer works of art.
Intermediate Art Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00pm – 7:00pm